Chamber's Partnership for Economic Growth Private Funds and Support for Economic Development in Martinsville-Henry County

Chambers Partnership for Economic GrowthMartinsville-Henry County Chamber's Partnership for Economic Growth (C-PEG) is an independent, yet closely aligned, charitable affiliate of the Chamber of Commerce. Led by a separate Board of Directors, C-PEG is charged with funding and supporting the area's efforts to improve economic growth.

Business and community leaders face many economic challenges. We can all get involved--both at work and at home--to ensure that the community has the resources needed to recruit new businesses and industries and help existing companies with retention and expansion.

The Chamber encourages its members to join this alliance to invest additional dollars in economic development as a tax-deductible contribution.

C-PEG grants are now avaible for 2022. For information about C-PEG grants, click here.


C-PEG Awards 

 Grant Winner
Armstrong Law Firm
Grant Winner
Armstrong Law Firm
Grant Winner
GS Industries


C-PEG Board of Directors

The Showroom


Jay Dickens The Lester Group President 
Clay Campbell Martinsville Speedway Director
John Parkinson Drake Extrusion Secretary/ Treasurer
Amanda Cox

Appalachian Power 

Immediate Past President
Steve Draper Martinsville City Sheriff Director
Timothy Martin Fred Martin & Associates Director

Charles Whitfield

Charis Transportation


Chris Lawless  Lawless Welding and Fabrication, Inc. Director

April Haynes

Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia


Aretha Ferrell-Benavides City of Martinsville


 Jason Davis Blue Ridge Regional Airport Director
 Cindy Summit S & K Office Products Director
Mike Grogan Southeastern Wood Products Director
 Dr. Greg Hodges  Patrick & Henry Community College Director
 Mary Nester Atlantic Union Bank 



Important Information

Join C-PEG

  Yes!  I would like to join the Chamber's Partnership for Economic Growth (C-PEG), a charitable affiliate of the Chamber of Commerce, which is charged with funding and supporting the area's efforts to improve economic growth.
Business Name
Contact Person

Please send me an invoice for the following:

Individual    $ 125
   25 Employees or Less    $ 200
   26 - 75 Employees    $ 500
   76+ Employees    $ 1,000
Platinum Member    $ 4,000

Companies in the Platinum category must pledge $4,000 per year for 5 years and are given the option to appoint a company employee to a Board seat.

 Please contact me about C-PEG.


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