It is the belief of the Martinsville - Henry County Chamber of Commerce that education is the cornerstone of economic development. The mission of the Education Foundation is to raise private funds to foster partnerships and leadership through
The Chamber's Education Foundation is not intended to endow funds. Money raised is put to work immediately to further its mission. The purpose of this Foundation is to advance the Chamber’s outreach in building partnerships and leadership opportunities in the community. Also, this Foundation is not restricted to a particular school system. All public and private schools offering programs in preschool through grade 12, along with post education institutions, in Martinsville – Henry County are eligible for funds.
Partnership-In Excellence (PIE) Grants, awards teachers up to $500 for engaging business and creativity in the classroom. The Education Foundation partners with Carlisle School, Henry County Public Schools, Martinsville City Public Schools, New College Institute and Patrick Henry Community College. Since the launch of this program in 2008, $45,894.19 in grants have been awarded.
Reading for Life, provided every kindergartener in Martinsville and Henry County a book to take home. The Education Foundation partners with New College Institute and Patrick Henry Community
College Foundation. 2020-21 contribution $3,414.30.
Boys State of Virginia, provided scholarships for juniors in Martinsville and Henry County to attend
this valuable leadership program. Partnered with American Legion Homer Dillard Post #78. 2020-21 scholarships $800.
The Chamber's Education Foundation is not intended to endow funds. Money raised is put to work immediately to further its mission. The purpose of this Foundation is to advance the Chamber’s outreach in building partnerships and leadership opportunities in the community. Also, this Foundation is not restricted to a particular school system. All public and private schools offering programs in preschool through grade 12, along with post education institutions, in Martinsville – Henry County are eligible for funds.
The Education Foundation relies on donations and fundraising to advance its mission. Currently, the Education Foundation hosts two fundraisers per year, the Tour de Scholar Charity Bike Ride and the Golfing “FORE” Education Charity Tournament.